About Me

Hi! I’m Barbara. I live in La Mesa, CA with my husband, daughter, and our small crew of furry four-leggeds.
I’ve always been passionate about putting “things” in their rightful places, be that in the home or in the office (or home office). Ample evidence exists that organization promotes a positive attitude and increased efficiency. I take great pride and pleasure in providing others with refreshed living and working environments: from the smallest desktops to full-room redesigns, I’ve helped friends and family reach this state of wellness and am ready to help you too.
For those with young children, I can FULLY appreciate how they regularly challenge your organizational efforts: I’m with you! Showing them what organization looks like at a younger age helps them develop the skill as they grow older.
When you’re ready to explore your options, please contact me. I’m excited to hear from you about your organizing needs. In the meantime, take a look at my gallery to get you started.

I am a proud member of NAPO (National Association of Productivity and Organization Professionals).

“Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” ~William Morris